Friday, September 17, 2010


Riding on the wave of success
He is barely 30 years old but the young human rights lawyer, Uyapo Ndadi has achieved what many, even in more influential positions would never achieve in their lifetime. He has changed the ‘face’ of the law in Botswana much to the benefit of many, has been to the White House at the invitation of US President Barrack Obama and has just been named recipient of 2010 Junior Chamber International Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World award in the category of contribution to children, world peace and or human rights. But instead of basking in the glory of his achievements Ndadi says all this has deepened his quest to work harder.

Q. Please give us a brief background of yourself
I was born in Serowe though originally from Tutume 28 years ago and I am the first child in a family of five. I did my law degree at the University of Botswana and I started working in 2006 before my results were out. I joined the Botswana Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS in 2007 as a legal officer and was appointed director in February 2010.

Q. Of all the career paths, why did you decide to choose law, was it your dream profession?
I think doing law was just a calling because I just found myself getting interested in the profession after completing my high school education. My parents were against me following this path because they thought there were a lot of risks but I went against their wish and proceeded to do it.

Q. Your involvement with BONELA, when and how did it start and why?
It started while I was still at the UB as I used to do some voluntary for them. By then the organization had no legal department so I would help them in issues to do with the law. So without sounding like I am blowing my own trumpet I started the legal section of the organization. I think the reason was because I realized that the law was somewhat defending criminals while people rights were being fringed upon and I needed to change that and give people their dignity despite their status in society.

Q. How does it feel to be young and leading such a powerful position?
Sometimes I don’t believe that I have come this far because everything just happened so fast. Never in my dreams did I think I would be in this position at this age but I guess it is hard work that accelerated my progression

Q. Talking of giving people their dignity, you have fought and won many battles in court, which case or cases are your most outstanding ones?
It is difficult to single out cases because I have enjoyed all the cases and seeing people smiling at the end of the day. What is however most fulfilling is that I managed to change the face of the law in Botswana with regards to HIV/AIDS though more still needs to be done in this area. And because of the battles that we fought as BONELA gone are the days of disclosing one’s HIV status without their consent dismissing employees on the grounds that they are living with HIV. BONELA has made sure that people living with HIV/AIDS are treated like any other humans beings. And still on dignity we will also fight to make sure that every human being in Botswana is given all the due respect despite his or her sexual orientation.

Q. And what have been the major setbacks and challenges?
It is the government because of its tendency to shift goal posts and not taking HIV/AIDS issue seriously. It is really frustrating to be told one thing today and then the following day they wake up with a different. The recent case was when the Minister of Health agreed that prisoners should be provided with condoms. As he was talking in his capacity as both a government minister and a minister of church we thought we were going somewhere only for the vice president to tell us that the minister was expressing his personal views and not of the government. The other major setback is that the government is dragging its feet to pass a law to protect HIV positive workers. The strange thing is that the government made a commitment to enact the law but 12 down the line, there is still nothing.

Q. You seem to be a fearless fighter in as far as HIV/AIDS and human rights are concerned despite your age and physical appearance. Recently vice president Merafhe told you to accept a no as no during what seemed to be heated gathering, where do you draw your strength and courage from?
Laughs…I might be young and small but I never allow anyone to intimidate me especially on things that I believe in. Batswana need a better place to live in whether HIV positive or negative and we need to work on curbing the spread of the virus on all people whether in jail or outside. And I will continue working hard until we achieve that even if it means rubbing other people the wrong way.

Q. You are saying all Batswana need and deserve a better place to live, what is your ideal kind of society or environment?
I dream of a society that does not discriminate people against their HIV negative status, the underlying factor should be that we are human beings and that we should all be treated as such and given all the respect we so deserve. The same should also apply even on sexual orientation, gay or lesbian we are all human. I was once asked whether I was gay and my response was that it does not matter whether I am gay or straight because I should not be looked at from that view but should be seen as another human being. That is the society that I want, for all to be treated with respect and dignity.

Q. And I guess these things that you are advocating for are the ones that earned you the visit to the White House to meet president Obama, tell us about it?
The invitation to the White House is one thing that caught me by surprise, I never saw it coming and never in my life did I ever think I would shake hands with Obama. The visit also made me realize that BONELA is doing a good job which is being recognized internationally and that I as the man in charge should also continue working hard.

Q. What lessons did you draw from Obama or from the visit?
The importance of partnership and that one person or organization can never make it alone. I was also struck by his recognition of young people and young leaders as future leaders something which is lacking not only in our country but most African nations. I also learnt the importance of listening and respecting the views of other people.

Good things seem to be following you as you have also been selected as a recipient of 2010 Junior Chamber International Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World award, how does that make you feel and do you now consider yourself a celebrity?
I am still coming to terms with that because it also came as a shock, I still had 12 more years to be considered for that award since it is for people aged below 40 but they decided to recognize my work at this stage. It is a great honour for me but this does not mean I will now relax because I am being recognized, it means more work and more effort in my work. On the celebrity status, I am not at all close to being one, it is only my work that can have that status attached to it. I however do acknowledge that people now recognize and turn heads when they see me but that does not mean I am celebrity. Lastly please allow me to dedicate this nomination and the award to my late father Elias Gobe Ndadi who I believe is smiling down upon me because of the good things that are happening in my life.

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